History Of Rajasthan

History Of Rajasthan state of women, the prevalence of the practice of multiple marriages and grief after the birth of a daughter, shows how high a woman’s place is in the society Gyan Panchami Katha and Upi Mati, there are such mentions that there is more number of daughters in hell. It was considered as a stay to have more than one woman. It was an indicator of prestige. Mahendra Pratihar and Anu Raj had two queens. Many of these first traders believed in multi-marriage. History Of Rajasthan The institution of marriage was moderate in classical rules and practices but never in the upper class. -Some Swayamvara was also recognized, there was no prevalence of endogamy marriage. Anulom marriage was not very popular. History Of Rajasthan Harishchandra Brahman Pratihar and Rajput of Mandore are considered to be the original men of the Tiharo Brahmins who had ever married Rajashekhar to Chauhan Kanya in this period of Raj families. There are many examples of being Sati, for the poor take of 977, there is mention of Sati of Rice Goddess and other such examples are also available. The whole management arrangement Chintamani I have also mentioned the friends born to the mother of remarriage and widows. The family did not have full rights over the property, it was considered only possessive of its jewelery and women’s wealth.

History Of Rajasthan

Rajasthani Meal

Rajasthan of this era was very prosperous as it appears from the abundance of food items and food items of that time. The jewelry article of Deen Dukhi mentions other fruits and spices, including wheat sorghum Triphala Amla, Jaggery, Sugar, dates, Mahua, etc. The Vrat Katha Kosh includes Meva laddu modak moong rice etc. History Of Rajasthan  There is a description of many delicious foods made from live milk found in the shops, as it was the custom of eating meat in the Kshatriyas and it was made with many spices like Where is the samrai wish that I have inscribed? There was also a system of eating alone and group food. In the state food, the food was kept in silver or gold thalaur katoria and the plate was put on the text, on the mat on ordinary and easy posture or It was customary to eat on the ground

Costumes and Jewelry of Rajasthan 

Though the costumes and ornaments of men and women are described in the literature of this era, History Of Rajasthan and its shape and form can be inferred from the screen sculptures, men of rich family seemed to be adorned with the coil crown and war of the turban dhoti tunic in clothes. And dupatta was used to lock the coil necklace in women’s jewelry, take the whole gemstone letter lata garland, etc. The women of the village used to use conch gunja and cheap metals ornaments, women used to treat sari lingerie, breast, and limbs. Which used to be of silk and suit

History Of Rajasthan Fun and festivals and festivals

There are many ways of recreation and celebrations are found in the texts of this yoga for psychic and pious conduct. These festivals include religious and social, Dev Shayani Ekadashi Janmashtami Shri Shyam Panch night Shivaratri Mahanavami, etc. were religious festivals, fasting fast worship, etc. Basantotsav was celebrated like Holi, in which dancing and dancing were the means of fun. Horse and arms were worshiped on the day of Maha Navami. History Of Rajasthan  Officers of marriage and son Genesis were celebrated with great pomp and chanting of Pragya Rath. Dancing, horse racing, etc. were also under entertainment, which were seen in print art, which is evident from the hanging article done today. It was a recognized sport by the government. Gujri Yatra Deepotsav Rath Yatra etc. The big celebration of the Jains grew up in the village of Raas. Festive entertainment was counted

Rajasthan Financial life

History Of Rajasthan

Agriculture and animal husbandry were the mainstay of the economic life of Rajasthan. Most of the people used to live their lives through the same works. History Of Rajasthan  The Brahmins made their livelihood through reading and writing. The main business of prostitutes was commerce. This caste was secured by local and post-national trade. I had reached many traders of the same era, crossed Rajasthan and went outside Rajasthan and sold many kinds of commodities, even considering the means of that era, History Of Rajasthan the economic condition of all classes was satisfactory in the inscriptions and poetic texts of that time. There was a rich description of this growth of the country, which was estimated that the condition of the agricultural class was good, there was no shortage of food items, it confirmed the presumption that if there was any interruption in the movement of the traders, then he was afraid of robbery. History Of Rajasthan Except for the wild parts, they have no more fear than other parts.

Religious Life

Religious of the same era was influenced by three main streams Vedic mythology and Jain sacrificial sacrifice of Vedic religion was Shraddha etc. Animals were also killed in the sacrificial fire, whose prohibition is found in the Jain texts of that time. Among the mythological religions, Shiva Vishnu Devi was recognized as a Brahmin. It was the religious duty of everyone to look at it with respect, at this time Chittor Osia Pushkar Ahat Bhinmal Javar Abhaneri Amba Neri, etc. Many Shiva Vishnu Mahavir Varah etc. Goddesses of the world have built temples of Gods and Goddess of the world, this is the Kalka, the Sun Temple of Chittor and The practice of worshiping the temple proclaims that the animal post and the Panch Ratra were the highest quality religious system of that era. The inscriptions on the cuttings from places like Abu Pindwara Nagda Chittor etc. are filled with the conditions of the mythical worship of the goddess of that era. Haribhumi of that era. And in the articles of Kharthal Acharyas, successful efforts of the Vidhan Chaitya reformer movement are seen, also the practice of making pilgrimage shows us from the literature of that time.

Many a superstition also believed in belief in heaven and hell, but in this time all the sects had complete freedom of belief and method of worship, so many Jain Acharya Shevaya Vaishnavs have long been interested in any one religion of Vishnu or Goddess or Mahavira. Grants were received by the rulers who kept it.In the inscriptions of Shakti Kumar 977, the mention of the construction of RK Jain Temple and Sun Temple is mentioned in the time of Vigraharaj IV, proof of the selection of Bihar is available.

Development of literature

History Of Rajasthan At this time, which literature has progressed over many decades, in which Sanskrit and language literature are prominent, these were composed by Brahmachari’s son Damodar, the poem of this article is very beautiful, in the articles written in the crooked policy, it is an example of an excellent only craft of male vehicle. History Of Rajasthan The writings of the Naths of 971 AD are also important from the time of the creation. Its verses were composed by Vedangamuni’s benevolent disciple Amrakavi. Now and certain inscriptions from the Shekhawati province provide evidence that Sanskrit in this era History Of Rajasthan The level of writing prose and poetry had risen and the progress of education may be satisfied that the number of teachers in the general public may not be high, but there is no doubt that Sanskrit had become the language of the elite educated community, at that time RJD was also learning. Was not deprived of the glory of the male vehicle as inscribed in 977 AD where the basis of the arts and the goddess of learning is the altar Vigrahaja IV of the same era appears against Sanskrit against its court poet Somdev, who wrote Lalit Vigraharaj to the poetic genius of Chauhan Had developed and The poetic power of the Shagrahaja can be placed in the works of every single play Bhubhuti and Kalidasa. From the point of view of mythological and narrative literature, the Kuvalayamala Sunrisekaha, etc. texts have a place in the beautiful compositions of that time. The place has been found and so that they can take the place of the state language in a way, only Sanskrit and local language were often used in the government records and articles of Sikhs.


The intellectual advancement of this period and Abhishek ji is known that the system of education prevailing in that era must have been very good, according to the records, the teachers of that era were called teachers Acharya Pandit Upadhyaya devotional poetry and etc., their followers used to call their feet. Sitting in Ved Dharma Purana, Astrology, Mathematics, Literature, Grammar, etc., received knowledge in subjects etc. The teaching was free and the relation of the disciple Guru was close and the Guru had full hand in building character from the disciple, donated the burden of maintenance of these teachers. Or it was on the kings who were their lawyers from the village of Daan and the client.

History Of Rajasthan The generosity and prevalence of education at that time can be estimated from the fact that Bhinmal alone produced some eminent scholars like Marg Mandal Atman Brahma Gupta etc. History Of Rajasthan Chittor. Had gained fame from the meritorious people like Haribhadra Suri and Jinavallabh; there was a separate study and teaching of scholars living in the state of Chauhans; there was an oral education in which the system of debating and exchanging ideas prevailed. Ajay Pal, and the Chauhan dynasty himself, presided over the debate between Dharm Ghosh and Gur Chandra as evidenced by the Dharm Ghosh status of Ravibhadrasuri where we admire the advancement of education and literature creation of the time. History Of Rajasthan There, we cannot live without knowing that the era of education which was developed was less than practical knowledge, but there was less originality in literature writing, the same traditional activities were getting space from literature which made poetic Saurabh miracle of that yoga. Unable to complete the study of astrology and mathematics, there is also a hindrance.

Object and casing art

History Of Rajasthan Yoga and Architecture and Tashan Art got a big encouragement in this study of ours. It was the specialty of this period that in the atmosphere of constant war and conflict, this blackness was suffering and pure and the status of conflict is visible on the architecture as it is. Cities, today the construction of Sadhu Mandir O Adi, was given the priority of military architecture and security-related measures in this era. History Of Rajasthan They have never been deprived of this characteristic of Tashan Art. History Of Rajasthan The remains which attest to these characteristics are mostly due to the efforts of nature. Inside the invaders got busy with conch work but all that is left is an adequate means of increasing our knowledge. History Of Rajasthan The second feature of this yoga architecture is that it has a perfect expression of religious feeling and love.

History Of Rajasthan

History Of Rajasthan With the above-mentioned architecture and features, we briefly introduce the construction of the fort, the most famous fort of this era is Chittor. This fort is initially the rulers of the Maurya dynasty and the Gohil dynasty from behind and remained in the possession of the kings of Parmar and Chalukya dynasty. This fort was built on a mountain high from the land of which all the means of protection were stolen and it was made to be a Bharati to protect it on the occasion of the invasion of words and the king and the people could live in it peacefully in the thought of this idea. Due to this, proper arrangements were made for the house to go to Vapi Chala, Raj Prasad temple, History Of Rajasthan farm market, etc. Although this fort is still witnessing these symbols in ghost form through some ruins, but most of them the History Of Rajasthan belonged to the eighth to 12th century. Are buried in mud posts, sometimes even on old relics of cities.