Chauhan’s History

Chauhan’s History In connection with the salutation and expansion of the Chauhans in the first chapter, we saw that by the last phase of the 12th century, their power had become strong and their kingdom had spread from the place of Shreshteshwar towards Jahapur Mewar and the feudal lords of many nearby Chauhans. He had become the honorable power vehicle of India, had a prestigious position in the politics of Rajasthan, was the chief of the surrounding 1 state and Gujarat, had martyred the Chauhans, gave birth to an atmosphere of shop and apprehension in northern India, and the Muslim settlements in the west and growing. Chauhan’s History Terror of the notes Chauhan’s History It seems to the country that manpower is being neglected and no one was concerned about this. Prithviraj had not made any plans to suppress or deal with this power. It is a matter of misfortune Is that the growing powers of the Chauhans were not worried about throwing out the thorns.

Prithviraj Chauhan story

Chauhan's History
Chauhan’s History

Chauhan’s History At the time of Someshwar’s death, Prithviraj III was only 11 years old. The lucky year his mother, who was a skilled politician who handled the states of her youngest son with great ability, saw the entire polity with the help of her trusted officials and her skill From the footsteps of these officers such as Kailash or Camp Vas, it is also said that the Chief Minister of the state was Kadamb Vas Dahima was a Rajput whose jagir was in the part of Hiravadi which was the Chauhan’s History south eastern part of Punjab, he protected the sixth qualities of Prithviraj and his In order to change the glory of the sovereignty of the Swami, the northern armies were sent to all the enemies of the kingdom. He was the Legislature who was fortunate to preside over the post and the words of the husband Suri ruled with great royal devotion. For military work, Kapoor Devi gave a The officer appointed to the post of an army officer was Bhuvanmal who was a relative of Karpoor Devi, in the same way that Ram and Lakshman of Garuda were saved by Nagpash of Meghnath, in Chauhan’s History the same way Bhuvan Vallabhi Prithviraj due to initial difficulties. Chauhan’s History It served coriander in the suppression of Nagas. Apart from these two officers, there were many people of Chandel Gohil etc. dynasty who had devoted their services to the states with great reverence, then the guardian element of the goddess was still a short time. During this period, Ajmer became a prosperous and a memory city, Prithviraj, who had studied many languages ​​and scriptures, was a short time under the direction of his mother, but the guardian element of the goddess was only a short time, yet in this period Ajmer became a prosperous and a memory city. Chauhan’s History Gaya Prithviraj, who had studied many languages ​​and scriptures, was able to make his talent more prosperous under the direction of his mother, probably in this short period, he got the proficiency in-state work and also the outline of his future program. Chauhan’s History This was evidenced by its continuous victory plans. Most of the early world and governance system of Prithviraj can be given to Shakarpur Devi, who judiciously chose good officers as her allies and conducted the tasks in such a way that the child could be a part of Prithviraj. Force on the next program in Chauhan’s History.

Chauhan’s History It seems that the time of the guardian could not last more than 1 year and in about 1178 AD, Prithviraj himself took over all the work, this situation may be due to his ambition and ability to conduct the work, possibly Kadambas. Understanding the power of the person to work with his full authority, he appointed some other trusted officers in which Pratap Singh is particularly notable. Chauhan’s History Lucky year step Lord’s death removed him from his path. The author of Raso wrote his murder to be done by Prithviraj himself. And Prithviraj’s management has told Pratap Singh the reason for his death, Dr. Dashrath Sharma does not consider Prithviraj or Pratap Singh to be the reason for the killing of the Kadamb dynasty because the description related to the murder is based on the previous texts. Chauhan’s History It is very difficult, but the plan of Prithvi Today’s power organization indicates that from today onwards, the chief minister must have considered a barrier in his ambition, Yen ken has found a way to get rid of him. It does not seem impossible to meet people, this fantasy is confirmed by the absence of mention of Kadambas with many important events after 1180.

After appointing Anup Biswas officers to higher positions, he pledged to honor his victory policy. He is the first of many lords of my policy. Chauhan’s History He had to get rid of the opposition of his own people. The second was filled with the spirit of Digvijay, from which he got the ancient Like the Hindu rulers, the third aspect was to suppress the neighboring state and to compete with foreign words, due to which the aura of its foreign policy.

Prithviraj’s initial victory

Chauhan's History

When Prithviraj Chauhan became the lord of the kingdom, he found his position later only after the end of the city. His cousin Soni Chauhan believed that the real officer of the state, that Prithviraj’s malicious person became a means of stimulating the importance of his cow soon. Raised the flag of protest, but Prithviraj killed him, yet the opposing party did not calm down. His uncle’s younger brother Nagarjuna established authority over Gurgaon to breed the fire of rebellion and increase his power. Prithviraj with an important army Pressed him Nagarjuna escaped from Gurgaon but his mother and children and other family members came to the winner.

The army chief named Patriot, who was made a di, tried to protect Gurgaon for some time in the absence of his master, but could not succeed there, the number of cities, the number of arms, the soldiers of the enemy were killed one by one, and many were taken captive. The words which were brought to Ajmer were put to death and their mandalas were hung on the ancient and readers of the city so that in future the other enemies could not dare to oppose it. Naga Arjuna who had escaped from the war stage seems to have There lived in some Rajput court where he died, such a guess can be true because we do not find any mention of Nagarjuna after this incident.

Suppression of stores

Chauhan's History

After this victory, Prithviraj’s rage grew against the reserves of about 1182, because he had to protect the border of the northern part of his kingdom, he was dominating Mathura in Bharatpur and surrounding areas of Alwar. He was defeated by Vigrahaja IV in his time but could not succeed in subduing or suppressing them completely. Prithviraj III, who was planning a Digvijay, succeeded in the northern and western campaign without suppressing them. Couldn’t have been the reason why he planned to share his power, forced him to flee, besieged their settlements from place to place and forced them to surrender or flee towards Uttar Pradesh, famous contemporary writer Jin Husband Suri After the incident by Prithviraj, we do not get Bhandanko again as a power from which his power was declining.

Importance of Prithviraj’s early victories

The early methods held by Prithviraj have an independent significance, his state was uncontested in the suppression of the opposition of the first self and the number of opponents for his ancestral state was reduced, due to which he became the strong leader of the Chauhans and his inner strength The defeat of Banda Nako became satisfactory. Similarly, Ajmer and Delhi, which were the two major distances of his kingdom, were tied in a political thread. The conquest of this state also expanded his kingdom and he should be able to carry forward the order of victory. It was pioneered to defeat the treasuries by Gaya Vigraharaj IV, his end could be edited by Bhujbal of Prithviraj, in his future war plan, suppression of this military caste proved beneficial, perhaps victory has cured his military and economic condition