The area Dungarpur is named after ‘The Town of Hillocks’ and the capital of the previous royal province of Dungarpur. It is situated in the southern piece of Rajasthan between 23° 20′ and 24° 01′ north scope and 73° 21′ and 74° 01′ east longitude. The town of Dungarpur itself is said to have been a Bhil ‘ Buddy’ or a villa of ‘Dungaria’, a Bhil Chieftain whom Rawal Veer Singh Dev caused to be killed in the fourteenth century. Whatever might be the legend about the start of the settlements in the locale, there is no uncertainty that it shaped the piece of the domain referred to in history as ‘ Bagar’ or ‘Vagad’ with ‘ Vatpadrak’, present ‘Baroda’ (a town in Aspur tehsil) as its old capital.
The material survives from the Ahar human advancement found in Mewar locale establish remainders of the progress which may go back to multi-year prior. From Ahar this culture reached out to different focuses in the south-east of Rajasthan including parts of the present Dungarpur and Banswara region. Some increasingly light it tossed on the historical backdrop of the area by the silver coins uncovered in thousands from Saawariya town in Banswara State, which was additionally a piece of ‘ Bagar’. These coins follow the historical backdrop of this area as far back as 181 to 353 A.D. They likewise build-up that this domain was, at that point, controlled by Kshtrapas or Satraps of the Saka, occupants of zone lying among Iran and Afghanistan. They entered Afghanistan and India at some point in the principal century of the Vikram Period Anyway the Gupta rule over this track can’t be learned with exactitude. From that point, the region may have framed a piece of the kingdom of Vallabi. Bagar is said to have been attacked by the Bedouins between 725 A.D. what’s more, 738 A.D. Be that as it may, their assaults were repulsed and they were ousted from these parts. From the time the farmers of Malwa came to govern Bagar, we get a reasonable and consistent history of this territory. In the twelfth century A.D., the Guhils of Mewar (Udaipur) built up their suzerainty around there.
It is referenced in the ‘Khyats’ that amid the seasons of Maharawal Veer Singh Dev, The 6th relative of Sawant Singh of Mewar, the province in the region of the present town of Dungarpur was held by a ground-breaking Bhil Chieftain Dungaria who tried to wed the daughter of an affluent ‘ Mahajan’ named Sala Shah. The last settled an inaccessible date for the wedding and, meanwhile, planned with Veer Singh to host the entire marriage get-together including Dungaria killed while they were in a condition of inebriation. This was effectively done. Rawal Veer Singh claimed Dzungaria’s town and established that town of Dungarpur in 1358 A.D. The legend has it that Veer Singh had guaranteed to the two windows of Dungaria Bhil to sustain their recollections by erection a landmark in their respect. He is likewise answered to have consented to name to town after their left spouse. He further set out that in the future, at the installation of each new ruler, a relative of Dungaria would put the ‘Tilak’ on the brow of the ruler from the blood drawn from his finger.
Rawal Veer Singh was murdered in the sack of Chittor by Allauddin Khilji. He was prevailing by Bhachundi who raised the Hanumat Pol. Rawal Gopinath who succeeded him is celebrated for his triumph over Ahmedshah, the Sultan of Gujarat in 1433 A.D. also, it was he who assembled the Gaipsagar lake at Dungarpur which exists even today remains a marvel spot of this town. Rawal Somdasji, the thirteenth ruler is renowned for repulsing the intrusion of Sultan Mahmood Shah and Gayasuddin. Maharawal Udai Singh I is likewise noted for his valiance. He partitioned ‘Vagad’ into two sections. The western part, with the capital at Dungarpur, he held for his senior child Prithviraj and the eastern bit therefore known as Banswara, provided for his more youthful child Jagmal. It was in the year 1529 A.D. that the two states wound up free. Maharawal Askaran’s reign saw the landing of the Mughals in this piece of the region out of the blue. Amid his rule, Akbar himself visited these parts and Askaran went to his court. He recognized the Mughal suzerainty and turned into a vassal of the Realm. Maharawal Punjaraj was respected by the Ruler Shahjahan, who gave on him the badge of the ‘Mahimaratib’ and an allowance of a Dedhahazari Mansab’ and ‘Izzat’ to 1,500 ‘Sawers in acknowledgment of the administrations rendered by him to the Sovereign in his battles in the Deccan.
In the season of Maharawal Smash Singh, the Marahattas attacked these parts. Maharawal Shiv Singh the 25th ruler turned into a partner of the Marahattas. It was in the season of Maharawal Jaswant Singh II. That an arrangement of unending companionship, union, and solidarity of interests was finished up with the English crown on eleventh December 1818 A.D. as per which a tribute of Rs. 17,500 was to be paid every year to the English Government. Maharawal Udai Singh II rendered faithful administrations to the English Government in the Rebellion of 1857. He was prevailing by Maharawal Bijai Singh in 1898 A.D. who was an exceptionally illuminated sovereign. Maharawal Lakshman Singh climbed the gaddi on the fifth November 1918 A.D. what’s more, kept on overseeing the State till its merger in the Unified Conditions of Rajasthan in 1948.
It was in 1945 that the ‘Dungarpur Rajya Praja Mandal’ appeared and after a year in 1946, interest was made for concede of capable Government under the aegis of the ruler. In Walk, 1948 the ruler declared the concede of dependable Government. Be that as it may, on the initiation of the Assembled Conditions of Rajasthan the nearby Government arrived at an end when the organization of the State was handed over to ‘ Rajpramukh’ of the recently framed association of State and Dungarpur was comprised as a locale of the Unified Conditions of Rajasthan.