Golden Eye Of Jaipur

Jaipur is the capital of Rajasthan which was established by Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II on November 18, 1727. Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II was a Kachwaha Rajput who ruled Jaipur from 1699-1743. Before Jaipur, his capital was Golden which is 11 km far from Jaipur. With the expansion of the populace, the Lord wanted to move the capital city. Another motivation to move the capital was the shortage of water in the Golden district.
Jaipur is accepted to be the primary arranged city of India and that the lord took a great deal of enthusiasm for structuring this city of triumph. A few books on design and a few draftsmen were counseled before setting up the format of Jaipur city.
Jai Singh was worried about the security of the city and consequently, he used his logical and social interests to assemble it.
Vidyadhar Bhattacharya, a Brahmin researcher in Arithmetic and Science from Bengal, helped Jai Singh to plan the city’s design. Vidyadhar alluded to antiquated Indian writing on cosmology, books of Ptolemy and Euclid to support the ruler.
The development of the city began in 1727 and it took around 4 years for the consummation of the significant royal residences and streets. Standards of Vastu Shastra were significantly pursued while planning the city.
Jaipur city was partitioned into nine squares two of which comprised of the state structures and royal residences. The staying seven squares were apportioned to the overall population to live in. From the security perspective, gigantic dividers were built around the city alongside seven in number doors. It is trusted that the design of the city was the best around then in the Indian subcontinent.
In 1878, the Ruler of Ridges visited Jaipur city. The entire city was painted with Pink shading to respect the sovereign. Since then, the name “Pink City” has appeared. Proceeding with the pattern and keeping the appeal of the notable period, all the state structures and chronicled spots of Jaipur city are painted with pink shading.
Jaipur city is acclaimed for its design and rich culture – enough to pull in visitors from various parts of the globe.