The Focal Point Of Nagaur City

Nagaur’s History is itself a regal spot of numerous thankful kingdoms stories places and there are numerous recorded spots like Posts, Temples, and Mosques which inferred itself a prideful spot for their kin.
There are two greatest fortifications in Nagaur Locale one is Ahhichatragarh Fortress and another is the Kuchaman stronghold. Ahhichatragarh Stronghold is otherwise called Nagaur Post and is spotted at the focal point of Nagaur city. Nagaur likewise saw the valor of Extraordinary Rao Amar Singh Rathore who tested the relentless Mughal Domain.

NAGAUR Fortification:

The Nagaur Fortification has numerous sublime stories of the dauntlessness of the past leaders of the states. Nagaur stronghold has been worked by Vastusastra. It has twofold dividers and is encompassed by a profound flood. The limit of this fortress is 5000 ft long. The stronghold has 28 watchtowers and two parallel limit dividers. The post has some excellent Castles like Hadi Rani Mahal, Deepak Mahal, Bakhat Singh Royal residence, Akbari Mahal, Amar Singh Mahal, and Rani Mahal, and so forth. Their name determines their significance and utilized identity names. Fortification has three fundamental Doors for a passageway.

Nagaur’s History is itself an illustrious spot of numerous thankful kingdoms stories places and there are numerous authentic spots like Fortresses, Temples, and Mosques which suggested itself a prideful spot for their kin.
There are two greatest posts in Nagaur Area one is Ahhichatragarh Fortress and another is Kuchaman fortification. Ahhichatragarh Stronghold is otherwise called Nagaur Fortification and is spotted at the focal point of Nagaur city. Nagaur likewise saw the valor of Incredible Rao Amar Singh Rathore who tested the forceful Mughal Domain.


Nagaur or Naga-Pur is alluded to in the Mahabharata. The kingdom of Ahichhatrapur which Arjuna is said to have vanquished and hence offered to his Master Dronacharya was maybe a portion of the zones of the Nagaur area. It was the capital of Bangladesh. The establishment of the city goes back to the fourth century BC. Nagas initially managed over this spot and about the seventh century onwards the Chauhans turned into the overlords of Nagaur and it was incorporated into Sapadalaksha. The city was at the focal point of Muslim intrusion from Focal Asia. The post is of recorded significance. The Rajput rulers ruled Nagaur for a more drawn out period. Nagaur rulers were more than once compelled to pay tribute to the Sisodias of Chittor while their properties were gradually added by the Authors of Jodhpur. Actually, the instance of Nagaur clearly outlines the turning back of the tide of Islamic triumphs in Rajputana in the fourteenth and fifteenth hundreds of years. Nagaur, north to Bikaner, and up to the outskirts of Punjab, was called Bangladesh on antiquated occasions. The remaining parts of probably the soonest settlements along the banks of the since a long time ago evaporated Saraswati Waterway can be seen right up ’til the present time—in a later age, it went under the Naga rulers after whom the town of Nagaur (Naga-Pura) is named.
The name of Bangladesh was known until an extremely late period. The Rajput leaders of Bikaner, whose region, in the end, grasped the main part of the Jangla nation, brandished the title Jai Jangaldhar Badshah, which was embellished on the state ensign amid the English Raj. In medieval times, the town of Nagaur sat with one leg on each side of exchange courses coming north from Gujarat and Sindh and those on the west intersection of the Indus from Multan. With a dead level plain all around, the resistance of the stronghold relied upon the military and financial intensity of its rulers—and from the time of the Ghaznavi’s attacks, Nagaur was under the amazing Chauhan tribe. A progression of rulers kept the entire of Bangladesh free from outside principle down to the rule of Prithviraj Chauhan III at the end of the Twelfth Century. That Nagaur town went under the intruders is clear since Balban, before getting to be Sultan, was given a bequest focused on this desert town. In any case, similarly, as there was frivolous Hindu boss (of various standings) in the huge grounds among Ajmer and Delhi, it is sensible to assume that such landholders were likewise present in the terrains among Ajmer and Nagaur, paying area income to the Muslims and presumably joining their military.
Another closeness among Ajmer and Nagaur is the early establishment of Sufi holy places at the two spots. One of the most punctual Sufis to come to Nagaur was Sultan Tarkin, whose place of worship was built up amid the Hindu principle. After Khwaja Moinuddin set up the Chishti Sufi request at Ajmer one of his devotees, named Hamiduddin, came to Nagaur. Hazrat Hamiduddin suited some Hindu standards in his lessons—he turned into a strict veggie lover and affectionately raised a dairy animal in his place of worship.
In 1306 a Mongol armed force assaulted Nagaur. The Khalji Turks had started pushing further into the grounds of the autonomous Rajput rulers and much further into South India. Amidst this extension, they lost a portion of the essential Rajput strongholds like Jaisalmer, Chittoor, and Siwana, while guerrilla fighting made the locales of Marwar and Mewar blocked for the Muslim armed forces. A portion of alternate posts and towns were lost to the Rajputs after the separation of the Delhi Sultanate in 1351. With the demise of Firuz Tughlaq in 1388, the rest of the fortresses like Ajmer and Nagaur went under their very own genetic governors. Turks of the Dandini clan progressed toward becoming Sultans; The Sultans of Nagaur exhausted the cash earned by the general population from an exchange, agribusiness, and from the tremendous groups of steers, goats, and camels. Furthermore, as in the Delhi Sultanate, jaziya and a journey charge are taken from Hindus conveyed huge aggregates to the treasury and empowered the Dandini Turks to coordinate their neighbors in a fight.