Mehrangarh or Mehran situated in Jodhpur

Mehrangarh Fort :

Mehrangarh or Mehran Post, situated in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, is one of the biggest fortresses in India. Worked in around 1459 by Rao Jodha, the fortress is arranged 410 feet (125 m) over the city and is encased by forcing thick dividers. Inside its limits, there are a few royal residences known for their many-sided carvings and broad yards. A winding street prompts and from the city underneath. The engravings of the effect of cannonballs terminated by assaulting multitudes of Jaipur can, in any case, be seen on the second door. To one side of the post is the chhatri of Kirat Singh Soft drink, a trooper who fell on the spot safeguarding the Mehrangarh fortress.
There are seven entryways, which incorporate Jayapol (signifying ‘triumph’), worked by Maharaja Man Singh to recognize his triumphs over Jaipur and Bikaner armed forces. Fatehpur (likewise signifying ‘triumph’ which incorporates the Maharaja Ajit Singhji vanquished Mughals. The palm engraves upon these still draw in much consideration.

The historical center in the Mehrangarh fortification is a standout amongst the most all-around loaded galleries in Rajasthan.the Legislative head of Gujarat in 1730. The historical center shows the legacy of the Rathores in arms, outfits, depictions, and brightened period.
Rao Jodha, the head of the Rathore group, is credited with the cause of Jodhpur in India. He established Jodhpur in 1459 (Jodhpur was recently known as Marwar). He was one of Ranmal’s 24 children and turned into the fifteenth Rathore ruler. One year after his increase to the royal position, Jodha chose to move his cash-flow to the more secure area of Jodhpur, as the one thousand years of age Mandore post was never again considered to give adequate security.
With the confided in the help of Rao Nara (child of Rao Samra), the Mewar powers were repressed at Mandore. With that, Rao Jodha gave Rao Nara the title of Diwan. With the assistance of Rao Nara, the establishment of the stronghold was chosen 12 May 1459 by Jodha on a rough slope 9 kilometers (5.6 mi) toward the south of Mandore. This slope was known as Bhakurcheeria, the pile of winged creatures. As indicated by legend to assemble the fortification he needed to uproot the slope’s sole human inhabitant, a recluse called Cheeria Nathji, the master of feathered creatures. Cheers, Nathji was a man with the nearby populace as his devotees and subsequently compelling in the region. When asked to move he denied it completely. This happened ordinarily. Rao Jodha then took extraordinary measures and looked for assistance from another all the more dominant holy person, the female warrior sage of Charan position Shri Karni Mata of Deshnok.On asking for the lord she came and asked Cheeria Nathji to stop right away. Seeing a predominant power he left without a moment’s delay however reviled Rao Jodha with the words “Jodha! May your fortification ever endure a shortage of water!”. Rao Jodha figured out how to conciliate the recluse by building a house and a sanctuary in the fortress. Seeing the impact of Karni Mata Rao Jodha then welcomed her to set out the establishment stone of the Mehrangarh Fortification and the equivalent was done by her. Today just the posts of Bikaner and Jodhpur stay in the hands of Authors, both had their establishment stone laid by Shri Karni Mata. All other Rajput strongholds of Rajasthan were deserted for a few or alternate reasons by the separate tribes. Just the Authors of Jodhpur and Bikaner have their strongholds with them to date. This reality is viewed as a supernatural occurrence by the nearby populace and is credited to Shri Karni Mata. Rao Jodha additionally allowed towns of Mathania and Chopasni to the two Charan warlords who were sent by him to ask for Shri Karni Mata to come to Jodhpur.
To guarantee that the new site demonstrated hopeful; he covered a man of meghwal rank called “Raja Slam Meghwal”, who offered his administrations deliberately, alive in the establishments as this was viewed as propitious those days. “Raja Smash Meghwal” was guaranteed that consequently his family would be taken care of by the Rathores. Right up ’til the present time his relatives still live in Raj Bagh, “Raja Slam Meghwal’s” Greenhouse.
Mehrangarh (historical underpinnings: ‘Mihir’ (Sanskrit) – sun or Sun-divinity; ‘Garh’ (Sanskrit)- fortress; i.e.’ Sun-post’); as indicated by Rajasthani language articulation conventions, Mihir Garh’ has changed to ‘Mehrangarh’; the Sun-god has been the central god of the Rathore tradition. Although the fortification was initially begun in 1459 by Rao Jodha, an originator of Jodhpur, a large portion of the fortressthath stands today dates from the time of Jaswant Singh of Marwar (1638– 78). The fortress is situated at the focal point of the city spreading more than 5 kilometers (3.1 mi) over a high slope. Its dividers, which are up to 36 meters (118 ft) high and 21 meters (69 ft) wide, ensure probably the most lovely and noteworthy castles in Rajasthan.
Jodhpur Mehrangarh Fort History is related to Rao Jodha. He became the fifteenth Rathore ruler in 1458. One year after his accession, Jodha was advised to move his capital to a safer place. The thousand years old Mandore fort was slowly and gradually deteriorating. This led to the foundation of Mehrangarh Fort.
The past of Mehrangarh Fort in Rajasthan, India has no mention of any seizure. The invincible fortifications are six meters thick. Some of the walls still bear cannon marks they had once withstood. Today this magnificent Jodhpur fort is a living testimony that recounts the chronicles and legends of Jodhpur’s rich past.

Why was the Mehrangarh fort built :

Built over 500 years. Though the fortress was originally constructed in mid 15th century by Rao Jodha, the founder of Jodhpur, it was expanded with many palaces and structures by his descendants across 500 years. Most of the fort which stands today dates back to the 17th century and was built by Maharaja Ajit Singh.
Mehrangarh, known for its beautiful architecture, formidable walls, and cultural heritage, is one of the most magnificent forts in Rajasthan, India. There is no exaggeration in Rudyard Kipling describing the fort as “A Palace that might have been built by Titans and colored by the morning sun”.
Perched on a rocky cliff at an altitude of 400 m above the cities skyline, the fort can be seen from almost any vantage point in Jodhpur.
Much has been written and said about the magnificence of the Mehrangarh Fort. About the ornate red sandstone carvings of Shringar Chowk, the gallery of paintings, ornate palanquins in the Daulat Khana, intricate mirror work in the Sheesh Mahal, the exquisite gold paintings of Phool Mahal, the lavish interiors of Takhat Niwas, the Jharokhas of Jhanki Mahal and the Brahminic blue houses surrounding the fort.
I would like to give all this a pass and present you with some very interesting and relatively unknown facts about the fort which would arouse your curiosity.

How Mehrangarh Fort got its name :

Mehrangarh fort- the citadel of sun god derives its name from Mehr-Garh. Mehr meaning Sun and Garh meaning Fort. The sun has been the chief deity of the Rathore dynasty. It is believed that the Rathores are the descendants of the Sun. As per the pronunciation in the local language, Mehr-Garh came to be known as Mehrangarh.

The land it stands on :

The Mehrangarh Fort is built on a Malani Igneous Suite Contact which represents the last phase of igneous activity of the Precambrian age in the Indian subcontinent. This unique feature has been declared a National Geological Monument by the Geological Survey of India.

Built over 500 years :

Though the fortress was originally constructed in mid 15th century by Rao Jodha, the founder of Jodhpur, it was expanded with many palaces and structures by his descendants across 500 years. Most of the fort which stands today dates back to the 17th century and was built by Maharaja Ajit Singh.

Perched on a cliff :

During the initial days, the city of Jodhpur was contained within the 4 walls of the fort. However, Jodhpur outgrew in size within 50 years of construction of the fort as people migrated in from different regions of Thar. The majestic fort is guarded by 7 gates namely Jai Pol, Loha Pol, Fateh Pol, Amrita Pol, Doodkangra Pol, Gopal Pol, and Bheru Pol.
The fort is perched on a vertical Cliff named Bakhurcheeria which is 400m high above the skyline of Jodhpur and is spread over 5 Km. The walls of Mehrangarh are up to 36 m high and 21 m wide and protect some of the most beautiful and historic palaces in Rajasthan.

The legend of a curse :

The story of the construction of the fort by Rao Jodha is quite intriguing. The foundation of the fort was laid in 1459 by Rao Jodha on a rocky hill by the name Bakhurcheeria located about 9km to the south of Mandore, the erstwhile capital of Rathores.
According to a legend, to build the fort, Rao Jodha had to displace the hill’s sole human occupant, a hermit called Cheeria Nathji, the lord of birds. Upset at being forced to move, Cheeria Nathji cursed Rao Jodha that the fort would suffer from water scarcity. Rao Jodha managed to appease the hermit by building a house and a temple in the fort very near the cave the hermit had used for meditation, though only to the extent that even today the area is plagued by a drought every 3 to 4 years.
To avert the consequences of Cheeria Nathji’s curse, Rao Jodha had a young man named Rajya Bambi buried alive to ensure that the new fort proved propitious. In return, Rajya Bambi was promised that his family and descendants would be looked after by the Rathores. In honor of the promise, even today Rajiya’s descendants continue to enjoy a special relationship with the Maharaja family.

Ancient volcanic rock :

Towards the leeward side of the Bakhurcheeria hill is the Rao Jodha Desert Park consisting of the ecologically restored vegetation of arid and desert land of 72 hectares. The area surrounding the desert park encompasses many volcanic rocks and sandstone formations from about 600 million years ago. The park also has a visitors gallery, cafe, and a native plant nursery. Strolling in the park, one can see some of the local birds, butterflies, and reptiles while gaining more insights into the flora and fauna of the deserts.
One thing that sets apart Mehrangarh from the rest of the forts in Rajasthan is its patronage for folk art and traditions. Cultural and Folk performances are arranged every day in the different courtyard of the fort. It is a visual treat to see different artists dressed in the most colorful and exquisite costumes dance and perform to various Rajasthani folklore, while the detailed carvings on the courtyard walls make excellent backgrounds. To believe it, you need to visit it.