Gateway to Thar – BIKANER

Bikaner is home to one of the main two models of the biplane utilized by the British amid World War I. They were introduced by the British to Maharaja Ganga Singh, at that point leader of the city. Another one of a kind perspective about Bikaner is the sand ridges that are scattered all through the locale, particularly from the north-east down toward the southern zone. Bikaner is arranged in the northern district of Rajasthan. One of the prior set up urban communities, Bikaner still shows its old plushness through royal residences and fortifications, worked of red sandstone, that have withstood the progression of time. The city gloats of a portion of the world’s best riding camels and is relevantly nicknamed ‘camel nation’. It is additionally home to one of the world’s biggest camel research and reproducing ranches; and besides, is known for having its own particular novel sanctuary devoted to Karni Mata at Deshnok, called the Rats Temple.
The causes of Bikaner can be followed back to 1488 when a Rathore ruler, Rao Bikaji, established the kingdom. Legend has it that Bikaji, one of Rao Jodhaji’s five children, left his dad’s Durbar in irritation after a cold-hearted comment from his dad, the distinguished originator of Jodhpur. Bikaji went far and when he happened upon the wild called Bangladesh, he chose to set up his own kingdom and changed it into a great city.

History of Bikaner.

Bikaner, before the fifteenth century, was known by the name of Bangladesh and was under the administration of Rajputs. In 1486, Rao Bika, a Rajput ruler, fabricated this place. Where Rao Bika needed to assemble it had a place with a Nehra Jat who prepared to give the land to the ruler, just if the name of the place would be connected to his name, to which the lord concurred. Thus, the name of the place was kept Bikaner.
Rao Bika, being the principal child of Rao Jodha, needed to assemble his own particular kingdom and subsequently, manufactured the present day Bikaner. Since Bikaner was amidst the Thar abandon, it filled in as a desert garden and was on the exchange course between Gujarat drift and Central Asia.
Bika additionally fabricated a fortification in this area in 1478 AD. The stronghold is well known by the name of Junagarh Fort.
After Rao Bika, the significant improvement that occurred in Bikaner was under the control of Raja Rai Singh who ruled from 1571 AD to 1611 AD. Raja Rai Singh won many wars including one which was to vanquish the Mewar Kingdom and got rewards from the Mughal rulers including Gujarat and Burhanpur. Rai Singh reconstructed the Junagarh fortress (Chintamani Durg) at a height of 760 feet.
Maharaja Karan Singh ruled at this place from 1631 AD till 1639 AD and constructed the Karan Mahal Palace. The royal residence was adjusted later by the succeeding rulers.
Maharaja Anup Singh ruled from 1669 AD till 1698 AD and included a ‘Zanana‘ quarter to the royal residence, which was an abode for the women of the regal family. Karan Mahal was revamped into ‘Deewan-e-Aam‘ by Anup Singh and was renamed, Anup Mahal.
Chandra Mahal was revamped by Maharaja Gaj Singh who ruled from 1746 AD till 1787 AD.
In 1818, amid the lead of Maharaja Surat Singh, Bikaner went under the management of the British. From that point onward, a great deal of cash was put resources into redesigning the Junagarh Fort.
Badal Mahal was worked by Maharaja Dungar Singh in 1872 AD. Maharaja Ganga Singh, who was one of the most loved sovereigns of the British Viceroys, constructed the acclaimed Ganga Mahal and Ganga Niwas Palace. This royal residence was composed by Sir Samuel Jacob. He named this castle ‘Lalgarh Palace‘ and moved his imperial home from Junagarh to Lalgarh.