Jodhpur International Kite Festival

The International kite celebration of Jodhpur, Rajasthan started just a couple of years. In any case, even in such a limited ability to focus time, it has turned out to be very mainstream. In the Jodhpur International Desert Kite celebration, the best kite flyers from India just as the rest of the world partake. The point is to show off your kite flying aptitudes. A great deal of energy encompasses this celebration.
For the most part, the date of this Kite Festival in India is fourteenth January (Makar Sankranti). It is a three-day celebration, held at the Polo Ground in Jodhpur. Aviation-based armed forces helicopters likewise discharge countless from above. Many schoolchildren likewise discharge inflatables. Amid the kite celebration, the sky gets topped off with kites of different structures and hues. There is a great deal of energy among the general population likewise concerning this celebration. It achieves the most noteworthy moment that a kite gets cut.
This celebration is a noteworthy festival for the majority of kite-flying lovers. In its debut service, at the Polo Ground, various helicopters discharge various kites, alongside youngsters discharging various inflatables. There are two noteworthy rivalries held amid this celebration: the Fighter Kite Competition and the Display Kite Competition. The last round of the challenge is held in the Umaid Bhawan Palace. In this way, on the off chance that you are intending to visit Jodhpur in the long stretch of January, do design it around the fourteenth of January (Makar Sankranti)
The occasion of Jodhpur

The Desert Kite Festival is one of those celebrations that draw in an extensive number of travelers from various pieces of the world. The celebration has an interesting intrigue, stuffed with a great deal of energy and fun. This celebration is in reality about a sound challenge among various kite fliers.
The Desert Kite Festival is held in Jodhpur Polo Ground. The setting suits the need of the celebration as it encounters countless. It is one of the super occasions of Rajasthan. Close by the vast number of members, various onlookers assemble at this spot to witness the super occasion.
The Umaid Bhawan is another prevalent area where the kite flyers assemble. Umaid Bhawan Palace is the site for the finals of the Fighter Kite Competition and the deciding the Display Kites pursued by the prize circulation service, the valedictory capacity, and a goodbye supper.
A flying kite symbolizes the taking off of the soul. The climate in center January in the State of Rajasthan is with the end goal that kite flying in the lovely city of Jodhpur or Jaipur is an elevating background for the spirit.
Held each year on the Makar Sankranti celebration (for example fourteenth January), this 3-day celebration introduces a brilliant display of kites in the sky. Along these lines, while an armada of helicopters discharges kites of various shapes and examples, kids also join the fleeting trend by discharging inflatables. Many kite aficionados from various pieces of the nation visit Jodhpur to participate in the numerous rivalries amid the celebration to win trophies and prizes.
We began the Desert Kite Festival route in 1997, under the support of H.H. Gaj Singh II, the Maharaja of Jodhpur. As the years progressed, the celebration kept on developing, heading out from Jodhpur to Jaipur, Agra, Lucknow, and Goa. Presently, 11 years after the last celebration in Goa 2004, we’re back where everything started for the DKF 2015.

We fly in Jodhpur on the eleventh of Jan before going to Jaipur for the kite franticness of Makar Sankranti. This Indian celebration is commended on fourteenth Jan, proclaiming the progress of the sun into the Northern Hemisphere. It’s additionally a major kite day in many pieces of India when kids from 6 to 60 can be seen with their heads swung to the sky! In Jaipur, kites for all intents and purposes abrogate the sky. Everybody participates in this wild festival and yells of “Woh customized organization hai!” resound from housetops to the backup of drums as foes’ kites are chopped down. What’s more, everybody’s a foe! Any kite in the sky is reasonable amusement. The thought is to cut the rival’s kite with an extraordinary string called ‘manjha’.
Experience this lively occasion on our Kite Festival visit and be a piece of the fervor of Makar Sankranti, alongside kite fliers from over the world.
Several kites moving in the sky, and us on our porch. That is the memory each Jaipurite has of Makar Sankranti. Kite-flying is a standout amongst the most loved and enthusiastic celebrations in Jaipur. It’s tied in with flying kites as well as about the battleground that the sky moves toward becoming and how the entire gathering of family and companions get together on their porches and hoot and yell alongside the music.
Be that as it may, this isn’t all! There’s a lot more to this celebration and the day stamps as a standout amongst the most propitious events of the year. Here is a portion of the reasons Jaipurites put their essence into observing Makar Sankranti.
A 3-day celebration to praise the soul of Makar Sankranti, the Jodhpur International Desert Kite Festival, is basically, a kite-flying challenge. Actually, it is a beautiful and lavish apparition of kites, of bunch shapes, hues, and sizes that deck up the desert sky. Various helicopters discharge kites in the sky and youngsters discharge inflatables, making it a genuinely wonderful and astounding occasion.